Sunday, June 6, 2010

Post Seven: Illustrations of an Understimulated Mind. (Sharpie on Plastic Protective Gown - 2010.)

I like drawing, and even though my skills haven't developed since about 1992 I still get a kick out of bringing my cartoon imagination into the professional arena. I can't say how professional this activity actually is, but the people I bump into during the working day, both breathing and not, seem to get a kick out of seeing the current days motif on my personal preotective gowns. Motif, is that the word? Anyway, here's a couple that I think are pretty rad. Today I drew a really stupid face and it sucked. It did not deserve it's moment in the internet spotlight.
Oh, and that top picture I put in this post by accident. It's a picture I drew for a friend to demonstrate how amazing my other good friends soup making abilities are. Her soup is sublime, and I think this picture reflects this. Her soup deserves a moment of internet fame, Hoorah Miss Brown!


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